PhotoProAI How It Works

How It Works

Our goal is to keep PhotoProAI easy to use and fast. We’ll let our machine learning model do all the heavy lifting, enabling you to get a professional looking portrait within 60 seconds. When you sign up for PhotoProAI, this is what it will be like:

Step 1 - Sign Up

Creating an account is easy. Simply click the Sign Up button. You can then log in to your Google account with a few simple clicks. There is no need to create a separate account for PhotoProAI.

sign up

Step 2 - Purchase Credits

After you sign up, you will be presented with an option to purchase credits. You can purchase 30, 100 or 1,000 credits depending on how many portraits you want to generate. Each portrait costs 1 credit. If you run out of credits you can easily purchase more.

buy credits

Step 3 - Upload your selfie

Next, you upload a selfie and select the style of portrait that you want to generate. Make sure the selfie you upload is clear, shows your entire face, does not contain faces of other people and that you’re not wearing a hat or sunglasses.

upload photo

Step 4 - Download your portrait

Within 60 seconds, your portrait will be ready for you to download. If you like the style but would like to see a different variation, you can easily create a variation of the same portrait style. You can also create a new portrait with an entirely different style. Each new image costs 1 credit. You can find all the different variations you created on the Dashboard page.

download picture

It’s easy! Go ahead and try it now!